Reaction to yet another mass killing


Instead of arguing, we adults need to have focused time with the children with whom we are in contact. We need to explain how precious they are to us, and how every life is beyond price. This was once communicated by our religious and moral teaching but has fallen away. Therefore, we must make it abundantly clear, in whatever way we can. Concern for those around us, those we know and cherish, those we love, must be fostered in all those who are our future, or I fear, we have much of which to be afraid.

Something must change. I do not believe legislation of any type can solve the problem of mass killings. The government does a poor job of the things we consign to it. We, the people, must exhibit, exhort, exude love for others, and engender it in those who are lacking.

Discussion, argument, disagreement happen, for those to end in violence is directly in opposition to the values we should encourage in everyone with whom we interact.

Life is a gift, no matter how one interprets its generation, and it should be treasured as something beyond price. We have seen the dead, and at this time they do not rise, the loss is permanent in this realm, and that understanding must be conveyed, so no one believes shooting someone or any other violence that causes death, is reversible.

Our society is full of entertainments that glorify violence and show deaths, but then the person is alive again; in video games characters regenerate. Many live on their screens and become desensitized to reality. It is an obligation to teach the difference between fantasy and real life. I fear we often do a poor job of this.

Maybe I am not an ideal person to make this comment, but I considered it might make you think and possibly take action that causes a change. Love to all of you, and to whom accepts it, God Bless and Keep You, Everyday, Everyway, Forever and Always.



As a prompt, contemplate how you can help others understand how valuable life is. If you do not have a daily routine that transmits love to others, I recommend you consider how you may do so. Create something filled with love’s meaning.

I am grateful:

  1.   We finished proofing one magazine.
  2.   Music.
  3.   Books.
  4.   Pens.
  5.   Computers, tablets, phones.
  6.   Quilts.
  7.   Friendship.
  8.   Doggy kisses.
  9.   Writing.
  10.   Love.

Thank you for visiting Haphazard Creative. I know my subject today is painful, upsetting, to some alienating, and not the sunshine, rainbows, roses, and butterflies that are preferred. I read an article in NYT, and my article is a reaction. If it troubles or disappoints you, I apologize. Check back another day, sometimes the world is not so much with me. If you like follow, there is a button.

Be careful out there. Share love often as you can. God Bless and Keep You, Everyday, Everyway, Always and Forever.

© Jo Ann J. A. Jordan

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