Millions’ Space

Should the need arise
I might give a look inside,
But I would close doors
Regulate you to spaces
I consider safely exposed.
I am well aware this mind
Of mine is awkward
A bizarre landscape
In an alien multiverse
Where mutated creatures
Roam amid dragon fantasies.
These thoughts by millions
Circulating at a million mph
Dump me into molten spaces
Where I hardly find enough energy
For escape velocity and then
Drop me in oceans of clarity
Again swallowed up, but eject
Me into forests where I flee.
There is no scale on which
To map the vastness where
You might make yourself
Sojourn, perhaps coffee, cake,
Then off and away, to more
Comfortable tenancies among
Those more likened to who
You are prepared, meant to be.
Trust my knowledge, stay clear,
Avoid this devastating destitution.

© Jo Ann J. A. Jordan

This is in answer to the second day (yesterday) PAD Challenge prompt, “Space” on Poetic Asides. I am a bit behind due to some turbulence with the poetic engine on board, but I hope I have it recalibrated into a modicum of functionality now. The prospect remains somewhat uncertain. I need a bit of the “Scotty” touch.

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