
The dove flew onto the ledge outside the window and cooed so softly it was almost a suggestion rather than a song. Charity heard the sweet sound and turned to look at the bird. Somehow its appearance seemed a grace.

She smiled a little, then a bit more, the lift reaching her green eyes. Charity was a stranger to these sterile rooms and the dove felt like a warmer welcome. Something less a problem than what she was going through.

How did one acclimate being taken miles and more, states, from home? Being was strange without the familiar things that kept her comfort when the world was too much to bear.

A few bags, some devices, were her packing for a week, maybe two – not months. She had trusted the situation would be temporary. How had it come to this?

Little dove, ah Love!

© Jo Ann J. A. Jordan

Wednesday, June 19, 2024


© Jo Ann J. A. Jordan

A Call for LOVE in Real Time

I have not been posting lately. This was not planned. I have something to say:

Journal Page © Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Journal Page © Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Journal Page © Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Journal Page © Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Journal Page © Jo Ann J. A. Jordan.

Thank you for visiting Haphazard Creative. Please comment, follow, and like if you appreciate this post. I would be grateful if you shared this with others who might find it encouraging and inspirational.

If you wish to copy or post this elsewhere, please credit it and leave it intact. Letting me know so I can thank you would be appreciated.

Prompt: Create something to spread joy, kindness, love, and understanding to others through your creativity.

Always & Ever Hoping for the Best for You, Jo Ann

I May Be Crazy

I May Be Crazy

I believe miracles
Happen every day.
Music can heal
What ails us.
Poetry is magic.
Photographs hold us
Death passes.
Writing is therapy.
Reading carries us
Where we did not
Know we needed to go.
All beings are unique.
Talking to things
Sometimes makes
Things happen.
Devices are a way
To become anything
We can dream.
We are loved
Creativity brings
Love anywhere
We reach out.
Memory spills
Over forever.
God is LOVE!
Normal is not
Ever normal.
Reality is strange.
Everyone is precious.
All things are
Impossible should
Be rejected.
We can get there
Heaven is real!
Perfection is
A contradiction.
Books are sacred.
Who we are
Is not set in any way,
Change is destiny.
Friends = Family –
Family = Friends.
What we are
Remains flexible.
Animals are very
Like us in many ways.
Portion control
Is a secret weapon
To supervise health.
Age is an illusion.
Hearts, minds, bodies,
Spirits and souls belong
Together in love.
Mine and yours
Can be alike
If we try.
Hate is a word
That is best
The journey
Is the truth
We may find
If we
Never Give Up
We can better
All our best.
Life is belonging
In love
To one another.
Tolerance is
Should not exist.
Kindness is never
Wasted, it holds
All things in peace.
I may be crazy
Maybe we all are –
And that may be
The best of all worlds.

© Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Friday, March 10, 2023

Go Ahead

Entry Eighteen – 2023 Creativity Project

Everything is hard
Even simple things challenge –
So be Miracles –
Let creativity guide,
Expect the impossible
Dream to become True;
Love beyond extreme measure,
Life, precious treasure.

Prompt: Create something that attests to the miraculous happenings occurring around and to you.

Gratitude List –
I am grateful:

1. My second mammogram cleared me and alleviated a great deal of stress.
2. I have stopped drinking diet soda which is tremendous because, since childhood, I drank them, sometimes more than a case a day.
3. I went to the grocery this week and purchased some much-needed food.
4. I am writing consistently.
5. I weigh 135 to 140 pounds.

Thank you for visiting Haphazard Creative. If you found things to inspire, encourage, or move you forward, please comment, like, and share the address with others who might appreciate the content here.

I hope you and yours find much joy and many blessings in the coming days.

Always & Ever,
Jo Ann